On 3CX
1. Navigate to SIP Trunks→Add SIP Trunk
2. Select “Worldwide” for country
3. Select the “Twilio” trunk template
4. Input a Main Trunk Number
5. Input your “Registrar/Server/Gateway Hostname or IP” matching what your current Telin trunk has or copy
this over from your One Console “SIP Trunks” section
6. Navigate to “Inbound Parameters” and update "CallerName" to “From: Display Name”
7. Navigate to “Outbound Parameters” and update “From: Display Name” to “OutboundCallerId”
8. Navigate to the “SMS” tab and enable SMS
9. Copy the webhook URL
On Telin One Console
10. Navigate to SIP→SMS Campaigns→*Ellipsis next to this customer’s campaign*→Edit (If there’s no
SMS campaign listed here please reach out to Telin support for A2P/10DLC campaign registration
11. In the “Integrations” section, paste the webhook URL copied in step 9
12. Review & Submit SMS campaign URL change
13. Navigate to the Dashboard
14. On “3CX private SMS messaging credentials” select “Show”
15. Select the eye icon next to both “Account SID” and “Account Token”. These both will need to be
copy/pasted over to 3CX
On 3CX
16. Paste “Account SID” and “Account Token” into Twilio Trunk SMS tab
17. Select “OK” to save the trunk
***If you do not have a pre-existing Telin SIP trunk on this instance skip to step 31***
On 3CX
18. Navigate to inbound rules
19. Ensure 1 dummy number is added to your Twilio trunk and create an inbound rule for this as we will need
this for step 23

20. Select the checkbox in the top left of your rules to select all inbound rules
21. Select Export
In CSV File
22. Determine the port number of your Twilio trunk(Found in column E) based on the dummy rule we added
in step 21
23. Update all cells in column E to the Twilio trunk port number
24. Save CSV
On 3CX
25. Import CSV file to complete inbound rule cloning(You should have two of every inbound rule now excluding
the dummy rule which can now be deleted)
26. Navigate to Settings->General->Emergency Numbers
27. Update route 1 for each of your emergency rules to traverse the Twilio SIP trunk by selecting it from the
drop-down list
*If rule cloning failed, call Telin support and don’t move on to the final steps below*
28. Navigate to SIP Trunks
29. Select the checkbox next to the old Telin trunk
30. Select “Delete” at the top. This will also automatically remove the duplicate inbound rules associated
with this trunk
31. SMS and voice routing are both handled by your inbound rule
32. Navigate to inbound rules and update routing as required for the SMS-enabled number
33. Update all outbound rules “outbound route” to traverse the new Twilio trunk